MRT has listed sorts of prices based on different quantity, you can contact us by if you have demands of 10,000pcs or more. We will do special offer for it.
As our products are Customized Micro SD cards,SD Cards, SDHC Cards, SDXC Cards and USB flash drives, the shipping volume and weight is small. We normally use DHL, FedEx and UPS to ship by air.
We only accept payment in advance for all the order. As we have regular stock for bulk memory cards, therefore, the lead time will be one or two days only.
Selecting the right SD card helps to save cost and improve your devices’ performance. Especially when using a camera or camcorder to take videos or continuous shooting, a good SD card really matters. As SD card has been an essential storage for your digital devices by storing data, it is a necessary to know the standard of SD card classes.
How is the type of SD card classes?
Class is a guidance of speed for memory cards launched by SD Association. To distinguish SD cards among different writing or reading speed, there are various types linking to the speed ratings.
Speed Class
UHS Speed Class
Video Speed Class
“Speed Class“ Mark C10
“UHS Speed Class” Mark u3
“Video Speed Class” Mark v90
Speed Class – this is an older generation of speed family, the market used it in last decades. Normally number with a circular “C” symbol is telling minimum write speed.
Class 2 (C2): The minimum write speed is 2MB/s. This is the slowest version for this type, most SD cards in low capacity offers this speed.
Class 4 (C4): 4MB/s by write
Class 6 (C6): minimum write speed of 6MB/S
Class 10 (C10): minimum write speed of 10MB/S. C10 is the main demands for present devices, users prefer fast reaction.
UHS Speed class – It is an updated version of speed; the full name is Ultra-high speed. There is “U” symbol together with number to tell different types. Two main ratings within the UHS speed class are as follows.
UHS-1 (U1): The minimum write speed reaches 10MB/s. Comparing with class 10, many dash cams and DSLR cameras prefers U1 type. As the UHS bus interface provides a sustained write performance, it is perfect for 1080P or 4K video recording.
UHS-3 (U3): minimum write speed at 30MB/s. High-end cameras or drones always take a U3 rated SD card. Regardless of a high write speed, its read can hit up to 104MB/s
Video Speed class – This is the latest feature to support higher video resolution. They are displaying in “V” symbol.
V30: minimum write speed at 30MB/s
V60: lowest writing speed of 60MB/s
V90: minimum write speed at 90MB/s
The importance of SD card classes
When purchasing SD cards, users firstly will check the speed, and then it is the capacity. With a faster writing or reading, a camera can shoot a larger number of photos per minute. Even you purchase a 128GB or 512GB SD card, the recoding time is slow if you ignore the speed. In addition, the parameter of devices must be checked prior to order SD card. As you need to confirm the speed range of your equipment, it will make sure a good performance.
High SD speed classes enhance your devices’ performance
Action photography normally shoots photo in RAW format, each image displays in 41 MP and occupies over 25MB. To avoid any delays on photo loading, U1 and U3 class are the best option.
Speed version tells the cost
Normally we can know the cost range of SD card by capacity and speed. However, high capacity not always deliver high cost if the speed is slow. For example, one 128GB SD card class 10 is much cheaper than U1 or U3 version. Therefore, the lowest price is hard to guarantee high speed.
Speed backward compatibility
Bulk memory cards are able to be backward compatible within its generation. For instance, you can use one SDHC card in SD version slot. The only difference is that the device will work at the slowest speed of memory card. Thus, if you use one U3 SD card in U1 slot, the fastest speed will be same as U1 standard.
SD speed classes for host device
In order to bring users convenience, devices suppliers will mark class symbol on their hosts. It indicates a minimum speed request; the equipment cannot work properly if you use lower speed.
Host device requests for Class 4 SD card: You can use SD speed at Class 4, 6 and class 10
Host device asks for UHS-1 SDHC Card: It means it supports UHS-1 or UHS-3 memory cards.
Device with Video speed class has the same rule request as above. Therefore, it is wiser to check these details prior to order any bulk SD cards.
Benefits from fast SD Cards
As if the devices can support high speed type, SD cards in fast speed offer a good performance. Let’s research into these benefits from different devices.
Game console such as Nintendo Switch: A good game experience is guaranteed if you use a faster card, which is helpful for games loading.
Cameras: Photographers prefer continuous shooting modes. As speedy cards can catch up with an efficient storing, it means numbers of photos can be shoot at once. Especially, when you use camera to take photo in 4K or 8K, a U3 SD or CFexpress card can record extreme high-resolution images.
3D printer and Raspberry Pi: You can save lots of time if you get fast SD card using there.
Notes on purchasing SD memory cards
Obviously, the cost is more if you choose a large capacity and high speed card. However, the purchase instruction should follow up the requests of devices. For example, your GPS device tells class 4 workable for data recording, then class 4 SD card is good and cheap enough for supporting its performance. Likewise, if you are engaging in photography business, a large amount of data transfer is a must for daily job. In this way, you ‘d better consider SD cards in higher speed and larger capacity.
SD speed rating is a key parameter for measuring speed of writing and reading, normally it is expressed as megabytes per second. Class speed on cards is telling minimum speed of recording, as if users know well of these specificat
MRT supplies consumer memory cards as well as industrial types. Bulk memory cards in industrial grade delivers unparalleled performance, endurance, and wide temperature. Embracing a strong compatibility is an indispensable characteristic for industrial models. As products in this group are fully tested to stand the harshest environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures. Furthermore, the capability against shock or vibration is more powerful. In addition, the lifespan can be 10 times longer than standard storage cards which is incredible.
Over the years, removable storage has been an essential accessory in consumer gadgets. In the industrial system, memory cards are likewise prominent to achieve auto-refresh read distribution protection. Cards in this range adopt SLC, MLC and TLC flash technology, it will feature wear leveling and IOPS optimization. Embedding industrial-grade hardware offers a high durability when you use cards in harsh situation.
Industrial microsd card
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MRT industrial SSD has many types such as M.2, mSATA, and 2.5 inches. This industrial option provides a wide range in flash options, capacities, and speeds.
Due to the powerful feature, we can apply them in a myriad of equipment. For example, IoT system connects different devices together. The process of it is to build a communication between devices and the cloud. Therefore, IoT has an increasing demand of data storage. Although Industrial Micro SD or SD cards are still using for storage, the devices are more intelligent and complicate. An IoT device usually has gateway to connect things to the cloud, which acts as a bridge to transfer data. Ensuring a stable data accessing, this bulk Micro SD card must be against harsh environments. Such as extreme temperature, high rate for dust and water resistance and X-ray. Thus, standard flash card is hard to meet these requirements.
In addition, Industrial memory cards are also friendly for medical equipment. As these devices are storing patient settings and data for a quick, accurate setup, they need to operate in any condition. Sometimes you may use it in high humidity, sometimes you have to work in extreme hot place. By and large the status of bulk memory card must be no faults and good reaction.
What else will still use Industrial memory cards? There is transportation vehicle, action cameras, embedded applications, Automotive, Data server, Networking and so on. All in all, it is a stringent storage and helpful for high performance.
Types of Industrial memory cards
MRT has developed a splendid series of industrial cards passing thorough tests. The storage group incorporate Micro SD, SD, CF, and SSD. In general, the shape and weight are same as regular card. The capacity is likewise ranging from 512MB to 512GB. To know them fully Let’s go delve into their differences.
Industrial Micro SD cards.
The dimension size is same as standard model. The using condition is entirely different whereas temperature range. As industrial model can support wider temperature from -45C to 90C, therefore, automotive applications and navigation system use it as boot media.
Industrial SD cards.
This industrial type can offer superior performance supporting various industrial applications. Such as aerospace ship, data systems, telecommunications, embedded gadgets, and POS systems. It utilizes pSLC model to provide stable read/write speeds up to 100MB/s.
Industrial CF Card.
It has a wide range adopting SLC, MLC and TLC flash. MRT offers a locked BOM to guarantee a long-term supply. Industrial CF memory cards are using PATA interface, which can stand extreme temperature.
Where to buy industrial memory cards?
Indeed, industrial storage cards are created for challenging environments. The expense on developing such durable and rugged memory card is comparatively high. Furthermore, many clients use them for embedded applications, the quality of them matters. Buying industrial memory cards from reliable source is a key.
Purchasing with Brand supplier.
High reputation always brings trust. Memory cards were firstly produced by Sandisk and Toshiba, they have rich experiences on manufacturing high-quality ones. Also, brand supplier like Kingston and Samsung has lots of branches to support after sales service. Users can be free from the confusion of making decision.
Placing orders with professional Manufacturer.
Industrial memory cards are the most stringent storage, which are wearing high performance, endurance, compatibility, and stability. It is hard to order in retail store due to the low demands. Meanwhile, consumer market sells more about standard products. All in all, we need go for professional factory like MRT3C. As only manufacturer has detailed introduction as well as datasheet, users can get complete answers there.
Tips for identify industrial cards (What are the differences between Standard cards and Industrial cards)
There are some obvious differences as follows.
1.Temperature range
Industrial grade cards can be used in wider temperature, it is from -45C to 85C. However, consumer grade cards are only available from 0 to 65C or -25 to 85C.
Standard memory cards are usually using MLC and TLC flash, the life circle is 10,000 times at most. One time is one full writing and erasing. Industrial memory cards use SLC flash often, the life circle can be 30,000 times or more.
Undoubtedly Industrial memory cards lead a better performance due to its precise structure and raw material.
Industrial memory cards stand for profession, high technology, and sophistication. No matter embedded systems, GPS, military machines, or surveillance cameras, all of them can work dramatically perfect with industrial cards. Relying on these professional cards is suitable for improving the performance of those equipment from industry.
Memory Range Technology Co., Limited (it will be used as “MRT3c” instead in follow divages) established in August 2008. MRT is divroducing flash storage divroducts, including Bulk Micro SD Cards, Bulk SD Cards, Custom USB Drives and SSD Drives. MRT Manufacturer develodivs its leading-edge flash storage divroducts comdivletely in-house, including Solution Designing, Wafer divackaging, IC Testing, SMT and Assembling, divroduct Testing. Manufacturing is conducted according to strict quality standards to ensure consistently high-quality divroducts.
Who We Are
MRT3c has been one divrofessional manufacturer of memory card divroducts, sudivdivling bulk memory cards in full ranges, USB flash drives with modern and stylish design, and accessory of varies tydives. We are not only an exdivert on divroducing qualified Flash divroducts, but also able to divrovide a wide solution for customization service.
With divowerful sudivdivort of sales, tech, and design team, our divroducts can achieve creative design, high quality and comdivetitive divrices, no matter it is for bulk order or brand one, we can do diverfectly work with them.
We can fulfill any orders related to storage; you will always find answers here for your requests.
Our goal
MRT aims to divrovide reliable, long-warranty, innovative memory card divroducts to our clients. We continue divroviding the most comdivetitive divrice for our customers, it is the great success for us when we beat down any cost.Our target is what you order from MRT3c is not just the divroducts but the lifetime service and forever friend
Our History
2008. MRT3c had established since 2008, we were working on wholesale business for Custom USB flash drives only.
2011. Along with the high develodivment of storage market, we started to coodiverate with Taiwan factory to establish memory cards divroduction lines in 2011.
2013. MRT3c had recruited own tech team to make designs on divCBA and UDdiv for usb flash drives, and started customized drives. Also, we established our HK branch to handle logistics worldwide.
2015. MRT3c coodiverated with two local factory to run on own card readers and related accessory to make sure quality management.
2016. MRT3c launched own divroduction line for memory cards in Shenzhen china, first micro sd 128gb is indedivendently divroduced, and our Shanghai branch had established.
2018. The sales quantity of memory divroducts made by MRT3c had reached 30 million divieces diver year.
2020 Our coodiverated clients from diversonal users to Fortune 500 comdivanies had reached over 100k.
MRT3c has 7 divroduction lines mainly divroducing memory cards.
The solution of bulk memory cards(Custom SD Card&amdiv;Micro SD Card&amdiv;CF Card) we regularly sudivdivlied is SLC, MLC and TLC; these sources are comdivatible with different electronic gadgets and devices. Therefore, you can find any tydives of memory cards with MRT3c. The SLC Micro SD and SD Card is suitable for industrial market, MLC Micro SD Card is diverfect for GdivS, Dash Cam, rasdivberry divi and Drone, TLC Memory Cards are workable with divhones, smart tablets and the other divortable devices. MRT divroduction cadivacity can reach 10K diver day, and 300K diver month. The whole divroduction divrocess is under strict QM divrocedure, it is going through IQC, Module wradivdiving and Test, SMT and Test, OQC insdivection and Reliability Test. Quality of MRT Flash is the first divriority of any orders, the warranty of MRT3c bulk memory cards is lifetime. Custom USB Drives Source
MRT3c has own chidiv line for wholesale usb flash drives, all the flash MRT3c used for USB drive is Grade A and high sdiveed solution. The chidiv of USB sticks MRT3c mostly adodivts is UDdiv and divCBA, the controller and flash are all original and full cadivacity. The attractive divart of USB Flash Drive is the housing, MRT sudivdivlies varies shells such as leather USB, divlastic USB, Metal USB, OTG USB, Crystal USB, Credit Card USB, Gift USB and Cartoon USB. MRT3c insists on full testing of Bulk USB Flash Drive before delivery, also divrovides the service of data loading, logo divrinting and customizing divackage. Furthermore, MRT3c has online sales team to work with customers, any customized requests for Custom USB Drives MRT3c can comdivlete within 2 days.
The good news is that your camera user manual will tell you the memory card format and the minimum speed level you need to buy. You need to figure out the capacity and choose your price range. Finally, you must be sure to use one card reader compatible with your card. Otherwise, you may find that the transmission speed is much slower than you want.
Flash memory was first proposed by Toshiba's Masuoka Fujio in 1984. NAND flash memory was developed by Toshiba in 1987. The original Toshiba memory was renamed to Kioxia in 2019, and for many years, Kioxia flash memory has had the second-largest market sha
We are all aware that the NAND flash memory is a faster, safer and more stable storage medium than the disk in the mechanical hard disk and has been widely used in built-in hard disks, flash disks, memory cards, smart phones, tablet computers, smart TVs an
When we use SLRs, we usually use the memory card that come along with the purchase, or just grab one randomly, but in the era of high pixel and high resolution, the past small-capacity and low-speed memory cards are unable to support the growing data v